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How to tighten the hinge on V2

Using the spanner provided, turn both Hexagon Nuts equal turns until you reach the required tension.

How to change the gasket

  1. Remove the old gasket
  2. Remove old adhesive and gasket residues with fine sand paper
  3. Wipe down the surface with alcohol to remove the remaining dust and any grease that may have soaked in during cooking
  4. Start from the back and center by using the hinge as guidance. Work your way round pushing the gasket down. Do not stretch the gasket as after a few cooks the gasket will shrink. Once the two ends meet, cut flush.
  5. Place the joint strip on top and tuck the ends under.
  6. Once complete close and lock the top and leave for 5-10 hours for the glue to cure.

My controller is stuck

If your top controller is stuck this will be due to congealed grease. To solve this fire up the grill as normal and wait until heat has transferred into the controller to release. Make sure you wipe clean after every cook to prevent.